Sunday, 5 November 2017

Rich Performance Task - Creating a School Newspaper!

Hi friends,

I have been working on incorporating Rich Performance Tasks (RPTs) into my English courses to provide students with varied and authentic opportunities to demonstrate their learning. RPTs are a great way to do this because they allow for student choice, involve multiple steps, and encourage application of skills to real life problems and situations.

As an English teacher at a new high school, one of the things I have been wanting to do is start a school newspaper or blog developed and run by the students themselves. This got me thinking that it would be a great RPT for an ENG4U class. The students would be responsible for the brainstorming and developing of a formal proposal and presentation to school leaders, and the publication of the first edition. In this task, there are two opportunities for summative evaluation - one in a group, and one individually. I have organized the tasks with approximate timelines, but this RPT could run anywhere from one week to three weeks, depending on how much class time you can afford to dedicate to it.

I have included the student assignment sheet, a teacher planning chart, and a rubric for the evaluation of the publication below. Let me know what you think! :)

ENG4U: Rich Performance Task

Introduction to the Task

In honour of Jean Vanier CSS’s fifth year as a new school, our ENG4U class has been asked to plan, develop and execute a first-ever JV Newspaper! This paper will be available in print and online to all students, parents, and staff of your school community. There are several steps involved in accomplishing this task that you will complete:

1. Newspaper Proposal  (group assessment)

A formal written proposal will be prepared and presented to the Principal and English Department outlining the specific goals, expectations, design and logistics of the newspaper. While ALL students will participate in each part of the proposal process, you will select one of the following teams to contribute to and be assessed on.

a.    Writing – Drafting, revising and editing the written proposal

b.    Presentation – Planning, developing and presenting the proposal to the Principal

c.    Layout/Design – Researching and developing a layout and design for the Newspaper

2. Drafting of Articles  (individual assessment)

Once the details of the newspaper has been approved by the committee, each student will be responsible for writing ONE 300-500 word article on an approved topic of your choice.

3. Published First Edition

Once the articles have been drafted, edited and approved for print, the design team will compile the articles and the first edition of the JV newspaper will be released!

RPT: Teacher Planning Chart

       Day 1: Brainstorming & Research

Students will first write their own proposal ideas down, then share in class brainstorming session. Teacher will guide discussion to ensure brainstorming includes consideration of timelines, logistics.

-Use of technology
-mind maps/visual aids
-guiding questions

Diagnostic – determine prior learning/student interest and ideas
       Day 2-3: Proposal Planning

Students will select which team they want to join:
Proposal Writing
Proposal Presenting
Newspaper Design/Layout

Students will work in groups to complete assigned tasks in preparation for the proposal.

-suggest group based on student strengths

-strategic pairings

-scaffolding/guiding questions

Formative – provide feedback to groups as they work through tasks.
          Day 4: Proposal Assessment

Students will submit their group work. Presenters will communicate proposal to the staff mentors.

-if necessary, assess student as individual rather than group mark

Summative Evaluation – Students will be assessed as a group
Day 5-7: Drafting Articles

Students will write an original article for the newspaper based on an issue, event, or opinion they are passionate about.

After writing, students will revise and peer edit their work before submission.

-       Provide templates
-       Extra time
-       Computer technology
-       Chunking into steps

Formative – provide feedback to students as they draft, revise and edit.
           Day 8: First Edition Publication
Students will submit articles to the teacher for evaluation. They will make any necessary revisions on their articles based on teacher feedback.

Design Team will compile articles for publication.

-       Use modified rubric if necessary
-       Extra time
-       Use of technology

Summative Evaluation – students will be graded on their articles (see rubric).

RPT Rubric: Article Publication

Below Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

Level 4
1.3 locate and select information to fully and effectively support ideas for writing

Publication does not demonstrate adequate understanding of the topic explored.

Publication demonstrates limited understanding of topic explored. Many key details missing.

Publication demonstrates some understanding of topic explored. Some key details missing.

Publication demonstrates  understanding of topic, all relevant facts and information are presented.

Publication demonstrates thorough understanding of topic, all relevant facts and information are presented flawlessly.


2.1 write for different purposes and audiences using a variety of literary, informational, and graphic forms

Written in incorrect POV.

Writing changes between past and present tense

Inappropriate voice for publication format

Multiple errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation limit communication of article
Mostly written in incorrect POV based on format of publication.

Written in correct tense with multiple errors that distract from meaning.

Unclear voice

Errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation distract from communication of article
Written in correct POV based on format of publication, with several errors

Written in correct tense with some errors

Appropriate voice with some errors

Several errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation
Written in correct POV based on format of publication, with minimal errors

Written in correct tense with minimal errors

Clear voice, appropriate for publication format

Correct use of spelling, grammar and punctuation with minimal errors
Written in correct POV based on format of publication, with no errors

Written in correct tense with no errors

Strong voice and professional tone

Grammar, spelling and punctuation demonstrate excellent communication


3.7 produce pieces of published work to meet criteria identified by the teacher, based on the curriculum expectations

Byline, Placeline and dateline are not included

Introduction of publication not included

Article is disorganized/ one long paragraph

Picture and caption not included
Byline, Placeline or dateline are missing/inaccurate

Introduction of publication is ineffective

Article is poorly organized, inconsistent paragraph format. Too short or too long.

Lacks creativity
Byline, Placeline and dateline are included, with errors

Introduction of publication is appropriate, lacks intrigue

Article is mostly organized, some paragraphs are too lengthy

Shows effort to be creative (picture, headline)
Byline, Placeline and dateline are accurate

Introduction of publication effectively hooks reader

Article is organized into short paragraphs, is appropriate length

Includes creative details (picture, headline)
Byline, Placeline and dateline are accurate and correctly formatted

Introduction of publication is creative and intriguing

Article is effectively organized into short paragraphs, appropriate length

Includes several creative details (picture, headline)
1.2 generate, expand, explore, and focus ideas for potential writing tasks, using a variety of strategies and print, electronic, and other resources, as appropriate

Quotations are missing/incomplete

Closing is incomplete/not included

Multiple errors/lack of Indirect and direct quotations

Closing is ineffective

Indirect and direct quotations are included, with errors

Closing is included, with errors in approach

Indirect and direct quotations are integrated into article

Closing is appropriate and effective

Indirect and direct quotations are thoughtfully integrated into article

Closing is sophisticated and effective

Media Studies Unit: ENG3U

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